Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bailout, HELL NO.

Why would I be for a bailout of businesses that have a bad business plan? Why bail out these businesses when many other businesses have failed without government help.

I worked for Cornice in Colorado they failed and no one offered to bail us out. I simply had to find another job.

I lost a house in Oklahoma when I lost my job due to corporate downsizing. Twelve weeks of unemployment, that is less than one tenth of what I had been making, is certainly not a bailout. In fact the Government fined me for using my 401K to make ends meet. I am still paying that money off 5 years later. Quite the opposite of a bailout.

And now the idiots in charge want to use 700 BILLION to bailout companies I cant give a damn about. They had bad business plans executed poorly. Why would we bail those companies out?

They will print up this money making your money and mine worth less. they will give it to their buddies in those failing companies who will in turn layoff many of the workers as their plan to fix the broken plan they will give themselves raises from the money they saved by laying off the lower levels. then in no time they will retire letting the succeeding failure be blamed on their successors.

If they were left to die now the people who loose their jobs would find others perhaps the upper management would not but then they are the reason the companies are failing anyway maybe they need to take "menial" jobs like the rest of do. Maybe actually working for a living would give them a more rounded perspective.

Let them fail. Others will rush in to fill the void. Smaller companies which are run by people who work harder and are not simply asking for legislation to prop up their poor business plans will prosper. This is business Darwinism. Pull the plug they need to die.

Perhaps it is time to throw the tea into the harbor again.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Occasionally I seem to find it hard to find how to do things which seem that they should be easy to find. So to make it easy for me to find in the future I will stick them in this blog.

Add a reference to MAPI.
This function sends a mail item with the sMsgBody string as the text of the message.
This is a fairly simple function it has lots of room for improvement but gives the basics of sending mail in .NET 7.1

Public Function SendMail(ByVal sMsgBody As String) As Boolean
Dim MyMail As Web.Mail.MailMessage = New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage
MyMail.From = sEmailFrom
MyMail.To = sEmailTo
MyMail.Subject = sEmailSubject
MyMail.Body = sMsgBody
MyMail.Cc = sEmailCc
MyMail.Bcc = sEmailBcc
MyMail.UrlContentBase = sUrlContentBase
MyMail.UrlContentLocation = sUrlContentLocation

MyMail.BodyEncoding = BodyEncoding
MyMail.BodyFormat = BodyFormat
MyMail.Priority = Priority

' Build an IList of mail attachments.
If sEmailAttachments <> "" Then
Dim delim As Char = ","
Dim sSubstr As String
For Each sSubstr In sEmailAttachments.Split(delim)
Dim myAttachment As MailAttachment = New MailAttachment(sSubstr)
End If

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = sEmailServer
Catch ex As Exception
sLastError = "Exception while sending mail: " & ex.Message
Return False
End Try

'lblMsg1.Text = "VB Message sent to " & MyMail.To ' or make this a MsgBox()
Return True
End Function

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can't find, FIX.

Using regedit browse to the key:


find the GUID: {90170409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}

change the value for “CDCache”=”2″ to 0

If you have multiple keys, delete all the duplicates.

The Microsoft article is at:

NOTE: As always editing the registry is the fastest way to brick your computer if you are not carefull. So this is on you, not me I do not recommend that you try this.